Technological company «Amadeus» has a colossal experience in the development and implementation of high-tech equipment that allows greater energy efficiency at oil-consuming facilities by optimizing the technological process of fuel preparation.
The engineers of our company have developed a new approach that allows to significantly reduce the volume of the heating oil used in the production of thermal energy. Innovative equipment created by the «Amadeus» LLC – “Installation RTEE” allows to decrease consumption of the heating oil by generating thermal energy by 20% while simultaneous reducing the amount of harmful emissions.
«Amadeus», LLC offers innovative equipment for implementation – Installation based on the Reactor of the ThermalEnergyExchange (Installation RTEE).

The basic principle of operation of the Installation RTEE is based on the use of several types of physical effects on the initial heating oil, namely hydrodynamic and ultrasonic cavitation, acoustic currents and sound pressure, which together enable the unique technological processes of fuel preparation for combustion.
Operation of the RTEE is fully automated and safe. The outcome of the Installation RTEE is the production of HydroStabilized Fuel (HSF) — the highly efficient fuel that corresponds to the regulatory requirements for boiler-furnace fuel. HSF is guaranteed not to exfoliate for 1 year.
- reduce the amount of heating oil consumption for generation of thermal energy by an average of 20%
- reduce operating costs and the amount of maintenance required
- reduce emissions of harmful substances (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and benzapyrene) by 2-8 times
- significantly reduce payments for emissions of harmful substances
increase the efficiency of boilers by 5-12 %
- increase the completeness of fuel combustion, improve its performance
- reduce low-temperature sulfuric acid corrosion of the tail heating surfaces
- reduce high-temperature sulfur and vanadium corrosion
- eliminate the separation of fuel into water and oil in long-term storage
dispose of the lubricated water and used oils
Installations RTEE are certified according to Customs Union Technical Regulation TR TS 010/2011 «For safety of machinery and equipment».
The hydrostabilized fuel produced by the Installation RTEE is certified according to Customs Union Technical Regulation TR TS 013/2011 TR «For requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil».
The Quality Management System and the Environmental Management System of “Amadeus”, LLC for the production and sale of petroleum products comply with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015.
Applied technologies and supplied Installations are protected by patent rights of “Amadeus”, LLC.
In order to improve the technical and economic performance of the energy generating facility our company offers cooperation on the introduction of Installations RTEE.
- Installations RTEE are available in various modifications with capacity of 10 to 100 tons per hour.
- Connection of the Installation in the system of heating oil preparation does not require any structural changes on the site.
- Installation and commissioning of the equipment take no more than 5 days.
- Operational reliability of Installations RTEE is not less than 10 years.
In case of your interest, “Amadeus”, LLC is ready to discuss possible options for cooperation including conclusion of energy service contracts.
- “Amadeus”, LLC
- Ugreshskaya Str., 2 — 62, 115088, Moscow
- +7 (495) 109-23-27
- +7 (977) 858-77-18